Be Present & Honor

The journey.

Be Present & Honor

The journey.

What's Vibrency?

What's Vibrency?

Vibrency was founded on a fervent commitment to individuals. It is born from the combination of vibration and frequency. In physics, vibration refers to the movement of particles. Frequency is the speed of that movement, which determines the quantity of electric charge or energy involved. Vibrant frequency, then, is a state of high-frequency energy.

Why the physics talk? Because, in the end, it all impacts and defines our human experience. The emotions that infuse your day-to-day life are governed by your vibratory state.The higher that vibration, the better you’ll feel.

Meet Evelyn!

Evelyn Pichardo is a well-being advocate, mentor, and growth-enthusiast.

As a young child, she felt different from others, including kids her age, due to her intense spiritual connection and interest. As time passed, this feeling of separation grew into a continuous void as she struggled to fit in. Growing up, she often found herself experiencing feelings of anxiety, loneliness, insecurity, and an inability to recognize the value of her strengths and talents.

With an intense desire to change, Evelyn worked on herself, researched, and received professional training in body-mind-spirit, all while developing a career in the corporate world, to become the  mentor she is today.

“Guiding clients to their true selves is my greatest inspiration”

Combining her experience of the corporate and spiritual worlds, Evelyn has worked with professional women to reduce their stress and anxiety levels, improve their energetic balance, deepen their connection with themselves, and elevate their sense of self-worth for over a decade.

Passionate with personal growth and the beauty of human potential, Evelyn is committed to a process of lifelong learning. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.  She is a Reiki Master and  a Barbara Brennan Healer Practitioner. Most recently, she became certified as a HeartMath Institute Resilience Mentor.

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